Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Social Media Update: Deactivated my Twitter "X" Account. Now I'm on Bluesky and Threads
Monday, May 20, 2024
Thank You!
Today is the last comic strip as this storyline concludes.
My wife Jennifer and I would like to thank those of you who followed this comic strip for the last six months and supported us. With this final episode for "Case of the Missing Guitar", we would like to bid thee farewell for now as we're going to suspend publishing the online comic strips for the foreseeable future as we get back to focusing on working on our print publications and other special projects.
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
"New" THRILL SEEKER COMICS character is actually an "Old" character I created over 20 years ago...
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Saturday, March 02, 2024
Scott McCullar - Official Texas Rangers Baseball Fan |
My wife Jennifer just gave me a belated birthday present that arrived in the mail moments ago. For the last four years, I’ve been watching the Texas Rangers games regularly with her on MLB tv (because the Cardinals games are “blacked out” here in Central Illinois from television viewing.) A couple of seasons ago I realized I knew the Rangers inside out and was following them closer than the Cardinals. Two years ago I converted over to being a Rangers fan because I couldn’t even tell you the Cardinals lineup any longer and I was cheering on the boys from Arlington. .
Last year, Jennifer had a hard talk with me and declared that I had converted over to being an official Rangers fan at the start of the last season. I told her early in June that the Rangers were going to the World Series and they did. She then bought me my first Rangers baseball cap last year. This season she got the powder blue one that I mentioned I loved.
So, here I am. I’m a Texas Rangers convert now married to one of the biggest Ranger fans you’ll ever meet. It is official it seems. Go Rangers! I’ll see you at the ballpark this summer.
Friday, March 01, 2024
POPEYE Comic Strips
It has been pretty exciting to see and read. I've purchased some portfolios and I've been placing and curating them carefully in those this past week.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
New Interview with Me
There is a new interview with me conducted by Sean Taylor that has been posted at this website BAD GIRLS, GOOD GUYS, AND TWO-FISTED ACTION that focuses on my recent resurgence brining back THRILL SEEKER COMICS and my views on storytelling.
Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Happy Valentine's Day!
Salty and Sweet. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you out there! And to my own sweetie, Jennifer. Here is a little drawing by me.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Friday, January 05, 2024
Coming up for air with an observation
I finished up this evening some of the online comic strips. Right now, I'm getting to the end of January's artwork. I work on those comics strips on Wednesday and Thursday evenings mainly. The rest of the week and weekends, I'm working on the upcoming THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY comic books. I think this is the busiest I've been drawing comics and I'm having fun. A few years back, I bought a Wacom Cintiq Pro touch monitor screen that I draw directly upon with a digital pen. I have all sorts of digital brushes to use. My "go to" pen is the Milton Caniff inker pen based on the style of the TERRY AND THE PIRATES, STEVE CANYON, and MALE CALL writer/artist who inspired me to do these comic strips. Again, I'm having a good time doing these. I wish it could be my full-time job but this is my side hustle hobby that I do for the love of it. Jack Kirby was right that working in comics will break your heart, but I'm scratching that creative itch. I hope those of you that are choosing to read my comics strips and pick up my comic book are enjoying them.
Let me know if you are and your comments could end up in my next letter column in issue #2.
Thanks and ALL THE BEST!
Also, Be sure to visit Thrill Seeker Comics Facebook page to like and follow.