DISCLAIMER: “SEA SHANTY FUNNIES™” uses the public domain comic strips "THIMBLE THEATRE" (1919-1929) and “THIMBLE THEATRE STARRING POPEYE” (1929), as well as later lapsed strips (i.e., 1931) in the public domain as basis and inspiration, as well as all public domain "POPEYE THE SAILOR" cartoon shorts from Fleischer Studios, Paramount Studios, and/or Famous Studios , including but not limited to “Lets Sing with Popeye: I’m Popeye the Sailor Man” (1934), "Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor" (1936), "Little Swee'Pea" (1936), "Me Musical Nephews" (1942), and "Spree Lunch" (1957). This is a derivative work of a public domain work and is a parody that also uses satire.
“SEA SHANTY FUNNIES™” is in no way associated with King Features Syndicate, Inc., nor are any claims made against their trademarks. Popeye was created by E.C. Segar.
This comic strip is written out of love, courtesy and respect of the original source material and creators inspired by these public domain vintage comic strips and cartoons. This is an all-ages friendly comic strip and includes mild cartoon-like violence associated with the characters' history.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Read the 1st Adventure of MS. TITTENHURST: FINDER OF LOST THINGS for FREE!
A Little Christmas Bonus Surprise for You! Think of this prologue as a prequel to the WEBISODE ADVENTURES that begin right here next week beginning on January 1st! Get yourself primed by reading the FIRST STORY of MS. TITTENHURST: FINDER OF LOST THINGS that is taken from the recently released THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY #1. Read as our Dame Detective with Hips, Lips, and Quite a Quip sees if she has what it takes in her new job and future cases...
Friday, December 22, 2023
My THRILLSEEKERCOMICS.COM Website has been Updated
As we get ready for the New Year, we did some housecleaning and updated/upgraded the look and function of the thrillseekercomics.com website.
If you haven't visited in a while, I invited you to stop by and visit.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
My Top Five Most Memorable Movie Experiences Going to the Theater
# 5 – I saw CASABLANCA, which is now my favorite film, while I was a college student at Illinois State University around 1990. I saw it at the college run movie theater at the time by myself. The movie mesmerized me and I became a lifelong Bogart fan in that moment.
# 4 – I saw THE SEVEN SAMURAI by Akira Kurosawa starring Toshiro Mifune and Takashi Shimura in a classroom theater setting during my freshman year of college at Illinois State University where I was taking a non-Western film class also in 1990. I became an instant Kurosawa fan and it is one of the greatest films I’ve ever seen.
# 3 – Seeing THE BLUES BROTHERS starring John Belushi and Dan Aykryod in 1980. I was in Memphis with my dad and my Uncle Mike. It also changed my life and turned me on to soul and blues music.
# 2 – The most memorable was seeing PULP FICTION in Atlanta, Georgia in 1994 with my first wife after we were recently wed and graduated college. The film was unlike anything I had seen before. It was the first time that I was in a movie theater and at the end of the movie, the audience stood up, clapped, and cheered. For several minutes. You would swear we were at a Cannes Film Festival.
# 1 – The greatest moment of my life
going to the movies was seeing STAR WARS on opening day with my Dad and brother
in May 1977 in Fresno, California. It literally changed my life forever. My imagination was unlocked. Countless touchpoints related to Star Wars to this day have impacted my life that I couldn't list them all.
Friday, December 08, 2023
Thursday, December 07, 2023
THRILL SEEKER COMICS Update - Issue #2 and MS. TITTENHURST Online Comic Strip is Coming
Issue #2 of THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY is coming along nicely. We're expanding the ongoing book from 36 pages to 52 pages. That allows the addition of a couple of more stories in each issue. I originally wanted the book to be a 100-page anthology released once a year but determined that wasn't the best way to go. While issue #1 is 36 pages, I feel we can boost it up just a bit since this book is getting released twice a year as an ongoing project. I'm finishing up the artwork on a 10-page story right now for issue #2 by Christmas and then I have a new 16-page surprise tale and a new 8-page MS. TITTENHURST detective story to draw in January and February. We're then looking at a May 1st Kickstarter for a July 4th release of this second issue. I also have over half of issue #3 drawn, too, which gives me some breathing room.
And then, there is the secret THRILL SEEKER COMICS project that we're working on looking for a release on New Year's Day. Yeah... maybe not so secret if you've been following the clues... we're going to launch an online comic strip starring our Dame Detective that will run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in 2024. More details closer to Christmas time.
The 1940’s Private Investigator with Hips, Lips, and lots of Quip! Dottie Tittenhurst is a divorced gumshoe detective in the city of St. François de Port during World War Two. She is new to the game being a former secretary and is now a college student studying forensic science.
Our first storyline will be "Case of the Missing Guitar" that takes place in the home of the Delta Blues.
Ms. Tittenhurst made her first appearance recently in THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY #1 from BANDITO ENTERTAINMENT.
Tuesday, December 05, 2023
Yesterday I took the day off to take care of some personal matters and finished up early by lunchtime. With some free time now on my hands, I had an impromptu thought and called my son Mitch who met me for an afternoon matinee. We went to the IMAX Theater here locally and caught the Japanese film GODZILLA MINUS ONE by Toho Studios (it is a Japanese film with subtitles) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of their iconic giant kaiju monster. WE LOVED THE FILM. WOW!!! One of the best films that I've seen in the past decade. The film begins at the ending of World War Two and is then set in postwar Japan that deals with the emergence of Godzilla. The look of the film is spectacular as a period piece and the touch points of the human experience is the best I've ever seen in any of the near 40 Godzilla films over the years. A real drama while still giving what I think was the best Godzilla portrayal. 10 out 10. And on a giant IMAX screen... um.... Godzilla is spectacular and frightening to view.
Rest in Peace Denny Laine
SAD NEWS. Just read the news that Wings band member Denny Laine passed away this morning from Lung Disease. His wife posted on his Facebook page. Poetic that his greatest album with Paul McCartney was released 50 years ago today in America. BAND ON THE RUN. My favorite Paul McCartney and Wings album. Which ironically, I just pre-ordered the 50th Anniversary 2 LP special edition from paulmccartney.com website today because it is a 45 rpm Half-Speed Master plus the never before released "undubbed" version of the album of just the three of them without all the overdubbed orchestra and extras. Thank you, Denny, for the wonderful music you made with the Moody Blues, with McCartney, and solo. He's a rock legend in my book.
Sunday, December 03, 2023
Happy birthday to my Mama
Happy birthday to my Mama. She turns a young spry 75 today. I am so wonderfully blessed and thankful to have her as my mama and for raising me. And keeping an eye on me. And for occasionally pulling out the flyswatter to spank me when I got out of line. Or at least to hold it up and threaten to use it on me. And for making me homemade chocolate peanut butter cups. And teaching me my first drawing lessons and encouraging me my whole life in my art and pursuits. And for being a wonderful Granny to my kiddos. And for taking care of my Daddy all these years. And... well... for everything.
Saturday, December 02, 2023
Tip: Cleaning Your Turntable Stylus
I have an Ortofon 2M Blue Moving Magnet Cartridge on my Dual CS 429 Automatic Turntable. I love the sound this provides on my system. Here's a tip when needing to clean the needle on the cartridge. ALWAYS clean "back to front".
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
you have the COMIX.ONE app, our book was spotlighted today where you
can go there to purchase the premiere issue of THRILL SEEKER COMICS
ANTHOLOGY as a digital comic download. We really appreciate the shout
out from comix.one and are proud to offer our independent comic on their
app! Thanks!
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
This is a test. It is only a test.
This is a test. It is only a test. We're toying with the idea of doing a THRILL SEEKER COMICS online comic strip next year featuring the Dame Detective MS. TITTENHURST: FINDER OF LOST THINGS and testing a 3-panel format idea like this. Would three strips a week on something like a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday be worthwhile to read and to keep interest in following?
Re-Welcome to my Official Website and Blog
So, I dusted off my website over the past month or so. Mainly due to the release of my first issue of THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY #1 and the traffic that I am getting. Perhaps it is the end of lockdown and hopefully putting that behind us after these last three years or so. I'm feeling more social and putting myself back out there. I've decided that I would like to write some more -- including writing more blog entries -- with things on my mind. Or perhaps some reviews on films, books, and record releases. Or just life observations in general. Perhaps sharing some of my personal artwork -- both comic book related and personal artwork that is more fine arts. Anyway, I just wanted to "re-welcome" you if you haven't stopped by in a while. Give me a shout out if you wish so that I know that I'm not just talking to myself.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Look what arrived!
I’m thrilled! Look what arrived! A couple of cases of THRILL SEEKER COMICS ANTHOLOGY #1.
I’ll be shipping these out this week to the Kickstarter supporters first and will then let you know how you can get your copy if you are interested. I will also have digital copies available too. More on that later.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Received word that issue #1 is printed and heading my way...
news just came back from the printer. The books funded from the
Kickstarter campaign for the first issue have all been printed and are
being shipped to me. I plan to ship those out next week if all goes smoothly to the Kickstarter supporters. In the meantime, I've been working on the bonus sketch cards that the supporters are going to get in each package that I'm shipping out.
Saturday, November 04, 2023
Signed copies available upon request.